Skyfall – A Shakespearean Sonnet

Pomegranate | Victoria Cichy | Mixed Media

Skyfall – A Shakespearean Sonnet by Ananya Roy

Upon the precipice, an end shows near,

Hold fast thy air, let its silence suffice,

Count to ten, as the ground trembles in fear,

Feel my heart split anew, one final vice.

This culminates, opening fate’s final show,

Drowned in hopes and wishes to once transcend,

Long overdue, these heavy debts I owe,

Swept away, to the tide, now forced to bend.

Allow the fall, now the heaven crumbles,

Standing beside, every chin now held high, 

Unified, a shared moment it humbles,

Fragments, splinters, rains down from the sky.

Here at the close, now here at fate’s final show,

Sky pours, heaven falls, landing its final blow.


The Oak


Love (the poem)